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Porta d'Europa


documentary | 2023 | 8min | 16:9 | english


Director/ DP/ Editor/ Producer: Samuel Müller
PA: Quinton Dayne Moore, Felix Weiss
Sounddesign: Sebastian Greim, Johannes Wimmer, Marc Hinrichsmeyer
Supported by: Sea-Watch e.V.


Deutscher Jugendfilmpreis 2024 - Audience Award
Slamdance 2024
Manchester Film Festival 2024
Filmschau BW 2023
Filmfest Dresden 2024
FiSH Festival Rostock 2024
Bundesfestival Junger Film 2024
PrevYou Kurzfilm Festival 2024


Short Film Corner - Festival de Cannes
AG-Kurzfilm Katalog 2024

For over 30 hours, a migrant boat with fifteen people on board has been stranded off the coast of Lampedusa, Italy. Emergency calls made to European coastal authorities have been ignored. The Sea-Watch, an NGO fighting for the lives of refugees, deploys an aircraft in a race against time. As they pinpoint the boat’s location and send out distress calls, an unknown antagonist vessel appears on the horizon. “Porta d’Europa” immerses the audience in a firsthand account of the migrant crisis on the Mediterranean Sea. As events unfold, the crew has no choice but to witness the harrowing failure of European human rights policy and the gamble of human lives.

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